
talia | Red Thread | NICU Photography

Meet Talia. In the best and most unexpected way, her arrival answered the prayers of her loving parents from the moment she was born in their hearts.

Each and every baby has their own story and hers is no less unique –  when I visited her at just a few days old, the hospital was trying to sort out the complicated bureaucracy around private adoption.  For a healthy baby who arrived just a few weeks early, Talia was ready to go home before the paperwork would allow it.  Thankfully, after a mad dash to find the right attorney, get a hearing and have the court grant them custody – she finally went home with her parents.  Just to get that far is extremely expensive but she was home and that’s all that would matter.

It’s now a couple of months later and the Berman’s will have more legal expenses as the prepare to finalize Talia’s adoption.  I’d be so appreciative of any amount you are able to give to lessen the financial burden to finalize her adoption.  You can find out more or donate here:

Learn more about Red Thread Sessions here:


Just a couple of weeks later, Talia graduated from the NICU and her family visited me in my Pasadena, MD studio <3 





Summer Mini Session | Baltimore, MD Child Photographer

Campsite mini sessions are brand new and available this June only!

Campsite Mini Sessions

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Sunset and Sunrise appointments with a brand new set featuring vintage tent, campfire, marshmallows, lanterns, binoculars, canteen, Brownie camera, and much more, 

Lounge in the hammock, go fishing or read old comics to pass the time in this set that’s as American as apple pie. 

This set is best for babies sitting up unassisted and older as well as family pets.

We expect this set to sell out, click below now to book your appointment today.

$129 includes your 15 minute session with your choice of 3 digital images.

Sessions will feature the standard retouching as well as select images in the stylized editing seen here:

