fall mini sessions at the truck 2020

My home and backyard aren’t particularly picturesque here in little Pasadena, MD. Don’t get me wrong – I love and appreciate my home and I cherish the history that 4 generations of my family have made here but visually, it’s not extraordinary. When I started offering vintage truck photo sessions, I tried very hard to find a location that would work for my rusty old truck (that doesn’t even have a key!) and we settled on a little corner of our yard.

It photographs pretty well at just the right angle at just the right time of day but most often my clients drive past the house! They assume we’ll be in the woods or at a farm rather than just 1/4 mile off the highway in the suburbs. Now I tell them you’ll recognize our home because we fly a Pride flag.

Here’s one of my favorite truck photo sessions to date! Two husbands and their 13 year old fur baby, Sadie, made for some of the sweetest moments here yet.