Just shy of 33 weeks, this tough little girl decided to choose her own birthday. While the plan was for me to photograph her birth, she hardly gave enough notice for the doctor to be there to catch her – let alone to call the photographer. Instead, I’ve had the joy of photographing her progress in the NICU until she headed home on her 2 week birthday. Join me in welcoming Harper! Here are a couple (hundred) of my favorite images from her time in the hospital through when she went home.
Just shy of 24 hours old… You can tell what a scary time those first hours were! Each parent got to meet her briefly before she was taken to the NICU for the best care possible. It’s amazing to watch these moments unfold as they got to touch, then hold her for the first time.
Mom got to give her first feeding…
Then it was finally time to hold her! The wires, tubes, and IV lines are intimidating. The emotion is overwhelming. But, after a few minutes all the fear melts into celebration and joy….
Dad’s turn!
One week new… this week is a little less nerve-wracking. As baby grows stronger, she has feedings from a bottle or breast sometimes rather than only by tube, there is less concern about her temperature, her breathing is more stable, her antibiotics are all finished. Parents can do a lot of the care without as much help or asking permission. But the fact still remains that just to see their baby involves a long commute and so much of her care is still medical rather than just the “normal” feedings and changes.
Here she is at 2 weeks – wire free! Mom and dad can do the feedings and changes and the checklist is all complete to send her on her way home!
Signing out one last time <3
Seat belt checks… and they are on their way! Sweet baby, we are overjoyed to watch you grow!
P.S. Luckily, we were able to finish her mama’s maternity session just a few days before her birth! Check them out here 🙂