It’s not about how you feed your baby – or really even what you feed them – it’s the moments you share with the weight of a baby in your arms.
They come and go so quickly.
Sometimes I savor every breath and others I wish away – hoping to get back to sleep or get back to work or get anything else done.
None of them are perfect.
But I find myself missing even the messiest of times – I miss my 5 month old as a 5 day old. I miss my 5 year old as a 5 month old. I can assure you at 5 days old I was painfully hoping for the moments to pass quickly – hoping I could make it through each hour, make it through that very long night, make it through one more feeding. And here I am tearfully wishing I could be in that moment again.
With these photos, I get so show a few moms what this moment looks like from the outside – and it’s beautiful.
I’m having trouble finding the words to go with this – sometimes it looks a little different, but this mama nurses her baby all the same and it’s made possibly by the loving heart of another mom who gave her own milk.