Heartlove Photography will hold an event on November 16, 2016 to support the Perinatal Loss Unit at the Johns Hopkins Hospital.
JHH cares for almost 100 families each year suffering from stillbirth or early infant loss and provides each family with a box to hold small keepsakes from their hospital stay, including the infant’s foot prints, hat, hair clippings or other support items. They rely on fundraising to purchase the boxes.
Boxes and simple embellishments will be provided to create beautiful hand-made memory boxes at the studio in Pasadena. This event is free and open to the public and no experience is necessary. Volunteers are needed to complete our goal of 100 hand-decorated boxes. Boxes will be delivered to the hospital in December.
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
5pm until 100 boxes are completed
8971 Fort Smallwood Rd., Unit C
Pasadena, MD 21122
Can’t make it but want to help?
You can make a donation to Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep here:
or to Johns Hopkins Hospital Perinatal Berevement Program:
I just read about this tonight. If you have additional events that require volunteers in the future for this cause and you have an email list, please include me.
Hello I am a mother of a murdered son and we have art therapy going maybe the MOMS could decorate the momery boxes in honor of the baby