Category: jill’s blog
sneak a peek of the studio… | baltimore newborn photographer
I wanted to wait until the studio was 100% ready to post pictures and make an announcement… but I’m learning it will always be a work in progress. I have my first newborn session there today… I took a picture to send to my best friend of the space all set up. But when I […]
the blockers | baltimore family photographer
I share many photos on here – more than a thousand to date, but more often than not the images of my friends and family stay private. I’m not sure why that is but after collecting images of this growing family over the last 5 years, I think it’s time to share a few. Today […]
pin to win a $500 gift certificate! | baltimore newborn photographer
In celebration of breaking ground on my new studio, I’m hosting an exciting contest! From our daughter’s bedroom to the dining room, my “studio” space has been a corner of the house that had to be reassembled before every session and torn down right after. It is a dream come true to have my […]
part 2: why custom photography | baltimore, md newborn photographer
In my last post, Part 1: The Cost of Custom Portraiture, I discussed the reasons why boutique photography studios, like Heartlove Photography, can be so expensive. That begs the question, why invest in such a service? Photography, literally “light-writing,” is the combination of many factors that make-up the vision of the photographer. The light, color, […]
trip to jacksonville, nc | jill’s blog
FAQs | Baltimore, MD Photographer
I thought I’d answer some of the most common questions I get in e-mails and during sessions 🙂 Where does ”Heartlove” come from? ‘Hartlove’ is my Mama’s maiden name and I always thought it was the best last name I’d ever heard – since I was born with my Dad’s last name and now […]
a day in the life | baltimore, md photographer
My baby turned 9 months old yesterday. Nine. I miss her as an 8 month old, and 7 and 6… just as I miss my oldest as a 1 year old and a 1 day old. Time certainly seems to be moving in fast forward and I’m desperately trying to grab bits and pieces of […]
photography 101 | Baltimore Children’s Photographer
Heartlove Photography is hosting a Mommy (or Daddy!) Photography class!!! It’ll be 2 parts, held on Thursday nights! $25 per couple – so bring your spouse or a friend. Children are welcome and each ticket comes with a $25 gift certificate to Heartlove Photography! (That means for $25, you get $50 back as a gift […]
soft & cozy baby | Baltimore Maternity & Baby Photographer
The dust settled, the boxes are unpacked (well, sort-of) and the Mills’ are now residents of Maryland again. And there it was, the void. The hole in your heart and schedule. All of our friends and our children’s friends were suddenly very far away. Change is hard, and this was no exception. While I have great […]
and the winner is….. | Maryland Photographer
Thank you all! More than 120 entries were made to support many very deserving couples and families 🙂 Each one was heart-warming! There were very few who wanted the prize for themselves, and very many who wanted to bless someone else with it – that made my day! In that giving spirit, I decided to […]
favorites for 2011 | jill’s blog
Wow, 2011 is almost over?! Where did it go? I’ve seen a few of my favorite photogs posting their ‘best of’ shots of this past year and it has been fun to look at. I set out to do one of my own and it is a daunting task to go back and choose favorites. […]