Category: family
sawyer | family portraits with dogs baltimore
I met Sawyer just this once, but his family had almost 9 years of love from their good boy. After finding out their first baby will be crossing the rainbow bridge, we spent a morning in their home capturing snuggles in bed, a family walk and so. many. chicken treats. Here’s what it looked like.
Puppy Christmas Family Winter Mini Session
family phototgraphy maryland beach
Family milestone maryland photography
maryland family portraits
childhood beach session
family portraits beach
pasadena beach family portraits
fall mini session previews 2019
Shooting in my own backyard in Pasadena, MD was a blast! A truckload of pumpkins and a couple dozen kids made for many beautiful moments beneath the leaves. I can hardly wait for more mini sessions in the truck bed next fall! Join us for a snowy winter set soon!