Category: family
the sokolowski’s | MCAS New River Photographer
I’ve been trying to figure out what to say in a blog about this family for a long time. Megan and I met for the first time when I did her maternity photos a little more than a year ago and since then we have became best friends. While both our husbands were deployed, we […]
I’m baaaaccckkk! | jill’s blog
… although I never really left, did I? While I was on maternity leave I finished editing the last sessions I did up until 37 weeks, then my wonderful husband returned from Afghanistan and 11 days later our second daughter, Madeline Rose (see above <3), was born … in our van. [but that’s another […]
surprise homecoming! | homecoming photography
At a little before 06:00 this morning it was still dark, pouring down rain and hot as all-get-out… but that doesn’t make homecoming any less magical <3 And the weather cleared up just in time to surprise a very sweet little girl…. Here’s the moment Mrs. Alford got to hold her hero again!
catch-up! | baltimore, md photographer
I’ve been slacking in the blogging department – here’s what we’ve been working on…. 🙂