
I’m baaaaccckkk! | jill’s blog

… although I never really left, did I?


While I was on maternity leave I finished editing the last sessions I did up until 37 weeks, then my wonderful husband returned from Afghanistan and 11 days later our second daughter, Madeline Rose (see above <3), was born … in our van. [but that’s another blog post entirely… ;)]


Let’s get you caught up on those beautiful families, bellies and babies you missed in the last 2 months…


There was the Hamilton family…

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And a good friend of mine, Megan (of A Beautiful Moment by Megan ) welcomed her husband home…DSC_0793


Mr. Branch turned 9 months old…DSC_1141

The O’Rourke family became whole again…DSC_1275 - Version 3

I met Kenleigh and her beautiful mama (who is pregnant with her little sister!)

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And my dear friend Ashley got to introduce their 3rd child to her Daddy…DSC_2755 DSC_2769 DSC_2796 DSC_2817 (1)

And here’s my Madeline… we love her more that I could have ever imagined!  It’s such a joy to be the mom of beautiful sisters and I’m incredibly thankful for the memories we already have together a a family of four.



Thank you all for all the well wishes after Zack came home and Madeline was born – I had so many e-mails, texts and comments asking to help or just telling me my family was in your thoughts and prayers.  I don’t have “clients” here in Jacksonville.  I don’t really have friends either, I have family.  Words are not enough to explain how much you all mean to me <3

maternity leave | jill’s blog

Hello Friends,


If you haven’t seen it posted on the facebook page, I’ll be on maternity leave from August 1 through October 1, 2011  as we anticipate the birth of our second little girl!


While I’m not booking in advance for this time frame, I will be checking e-mail periodically and will be available for a limited number of homecomings and newborn sessions on a case-by-case basis.


Contact me at


I am booking for the holiday season and sessions are filling up fast!  E-mail me for pricing information or to book your session 🙂





maternity photographer | melissa and jaime



A little while ago, Jaime and Melissa found out they are expecting a baby girl …

Gender Announcement

And the wait continues…

Maryland Maternity Photographer

Maryland Maternity Photographer

The Marine Crops sent Jaime out of town just before her due date and we continued to document the journey.

Maryland Maternity Photographer

Maryland Maternity Photographer

Maryland Maternity Photographer

That’d be my 1 year old, Delilah, assisting with the posing 🙂 Maryland Maternity Photographer

I’ll never forget the dense smoke from nearby forest fires that blocked the sunset almost all summer long…. Maryland Maternity Photographer

Maryland Maternity Photographer

I should mention these are dear friends of mine… stay tuned for more images of a new baby girl!

spartz homecoming | military homecoming photographer

I met this family when baby Gabriel was a few days old and now that he is approaching toddlerhood, we welcom his Daddy home!  I am always emotional at homecomings – there isn’t anything like it in the entire world… but this one got to me.  Gabriel started walking the week his Dad came home and a handful of his first steps went right into Daddy’s arms!  I get choked up just thinking about it.  Thank you for letting me photograph that special moment!DSC_0078 DSC_0097 DSC_0112 (1) DSC_0127 DSC_0135 DSC_0141 DSC_0143 DSC_0144 DSC_0154