The thing about 3 year olds is they are really fast. The secret to getting them to smile is to say things like “poop.” 😛
The thing about 3 year olds is they are really fast. The secret to getting them to smile is to say things like “poop.” 😛
Meet Miss Malina!
My last homecoming at Camp Lejeune happened to be a “bonus” homecoming for the evening 🙂 1/6 sent 2 companies home together but their homecoming was about an hour apart. After the Smith’s headed home,Julie Stone heard another wife’s photographer had catastrophic equipment failure and I was able to step in and cover the Brown family as well.
As is turns out, it is a very small world! Not only is Samantha and her husband from Maryland, but we went to the same high school and graduated only 1 year apart! (And we have the same awesome stroller :P) Congratulations Jeff and Samantha (and their 2 little girls!) – It was so great to meet you!
Can you say Hot Mama?
And here it is, my last session as a resident of NC – although I’m sure I’ll be back soon (and often!), I am sorely missing my home and friends at Camp Lejeune.
Colleen is one of my dear friends and as you can see, she is pregnant with Miss Keira. I’m anxiously awaiting the trip to go photograph the sweet baby in a few weeks!
You might remember Malorie and Andrew from the session they did while he was home on R&R. You’ll also recognize her work in many, many of my newborn sessions – Malorie is the one I call when I need the most beautiful knitted things ever. I’m famous for calling last minute needing matching elf hats or mermaid tails and she has never failed to exceed my expectations.
Only a couple days shy of a year-long deployment finally ended this Monday – Congratulations guys, I know it couldn’t have been easy. For all the tears there may have been along the way, I’m glad to capture these tears of relief.
This past Monday was my last day of homecomings while we live here at Camp Lejeune. Even though we are ready to start our next chapter, I am feeling very sad about leaving this town. It will be especially hard not to be here for the amazing homecomings. For those of you who haven’t experienced one, the only thing that I can compare it to is the anticipation leading up to my wedding day. And on the list of Top 3 days of my life, our homecoming ranks just after the births of my baby girls.
This particular homecoming was a little odd – Marines coming home advon trickled in from the armory and then there was a company that came in all together about an hour later. (This will be an important bit of info for a future blog post…) =)
Troy and Zach are the second couple to hire me for their 2nd homecoming. Their last homecoming was also at night, but this time we got cold, dreary rain to add to the darkness. In this case, I think that just adds to the magic in these photos. I am honored to be able to photograph this reunion in the same place they have said “goodbye” and “hello” twice.
The night of our going away party I re-he-eally didn’t want to get up at 2:00 am to go to work. I had just gotten in bed and was cozy and warm when I got they call, they were on their way. Anyone remember that Dunkin Donuts commercial? “Gotta make the doughnuts…”
Anyway, I got there just before the buses and Edna pulled in just behind them! I thought they were just teasing us and would still go to the armory, but no! Chris got to her car before she could even get out and I just lucked out by spotting him walking toward the same car I was! Although they didn’t get the video camera up in time, I was able to grab the stills of Daddy meeting his baby boy <3 To think, if I would have stayed in bed just a few more minutes, I would have missed this – I would have regretted that forever.
Thank you guys for letting me be a part of this special moment!
Here’s my best attempt at the full moon behind a creepy tree without a tripod. Lol. It was really beautiful but I think I was shivering haha!
There are a handful of families that I have the pleasure of meeting every few months – and this family is one of my favorites! I met the Branch’s when Jessica was pregnant and then again when Abram was first born and every 3 months since then. This last time was to say “See you soon” to David as he leaves for deployment – There are very few days that are more personal and more emotional than this.
Here is a look back at he last 18 months or so…
Thank you guys so much for letting me be a part of this day – I too said “see you soon” to my husband with a 1 year old and newly pregnant with our second. It was not easy, but if I can do it I know you can too and it will only make you stronger on the other side! The one thing I am truly thankful for is the time I got to spend alone with my oldest baby – there will never be another time you have with just your first born, not having to share with anyone – soak that in. I am wishing you comfort and strength until homecoming!
The last time I photographed this couple it was at sunrise in the dead heat of summer, so it’s only fitting that this time around it is winter and midnight =)
Babies come in their own timing and this little one wouldn’t wait for me to come back from our Christmas leave 😉 This is my dear friend, Holly’s, baby boy. I would have loved to witness his birth, but he was is the good hands of the rest of Holly’s birth team – Dad/Husband Travis assisted by friends, Brittany and Melissa. Congratulations Holly, Travis and big ‘brother’ Max!
Check out their gender announcement from this past summer here!
First, a few of their maternity session…
Here’s one of him at 2 days when I finally got here to visit <3
Here is another catch-up post 🙂 This little man gave me a run for my money, but his dad knew just how to get him to dream land. It is always wonderful to photograph several generations welcoming a great-grandchild, and Mr. B’s family was no exception! The Sherman family was a referral from one of my favorite ladies, thank you so much Danelle!
I think Chandra has an artist’s soul. She did ballet, plays guitar and when we met she was about as warm and friendly as you can be. Thank you both for letting me photograph your “Journey” to welcoming a baby girl into your lives.