It’s been a little while since I got new baby snuggles – there is nothing quite as sweet as those first days of falling in love with your new baby. It’s a great joy to be able to witness it time and time again!
It’s been a little while since I got new baby snuggles – there is nothing quite as sweet as those first days of falling in love with your new baby. It’s a great joy to be able to witness it time and time again!
My baby turned 9 months old yesterday. Nine.
I miss her as an 8 month old, and 7 and 6… just as I miss my oldest as a 1 year old and a 1 day old. Time certainly seems to be moving in fast forward and I’m desperately trying to grab bits and pieces of it as it flies by. That’s why I’m so glad I had my camera near by on this particular morning.
Madeline just went down for her nap and Delilah climbed up in the bed and to “pose” her little hands just like I do with my sleeping newborns. I didn’t tell her to do it and I resisted the urge to shoo her away for fear that the baby would wake up. These were some of those simple, beautiful moments that I am eternally grateful to have “written down” to look at over and over again…
Like many, when I started out on my journey in professional photography, I thought I would photograph EVERYTHING. Weddings, babies, corporate, concept, product, maternity… and the list goes on. I begged people to let me photograph them and I was lucky to have a few people trust my limited amateur portfolio and pay me to photograph their portraits and events. Those early sessions gave me so much – the ability to buy professional equipment without going (too much) into debt, the confidence to keep shooting and amazing referral business. It’s hard to trust someone with those can’t-ever-get-it-back moments – but the Reynold’s family did. They were my first engagement session, first solo wedding and I have been lucky to watch their family grow in the last few years.
These days, Shannon is holding down the homefront with 3-year-old Riley and 1-year-old Gavin as their hero is overseas. From the beginning, this has been one of those families that has love pouring out of everything they touch. I’m honored to have been there for some of the most important days of their lives and even more so to consider them friends. Here are a few of their most recent memories that traveled across the globe to their Daddy…
This St. Patrick’s day, Owen Anderson Patrick Reilly made his welcomed appearance a few weeks sooner than he was due. For 6 long weeks I was itching to drive back down to Jacksonville to snuggle him and thankfully, he saved up some newborn sleep for a few photos. You all should recognize his big sister, Avelyn – she has been building my portfolio since she was 30 weeks in the oven 🙂
I was honored when fellow photog and friend, Megan, asked me to come shoot a few of her niece and nephews. I was overjoyed to hear it would be at a waterfall. And I am beyond impressed with what sweet models they are 🙂
Heartlove Photography is hosting a Mommy (or Daddy!) Photography class!!!
It’ll be 2 parts, held on Thursday nights! $25 per couple – so bring your spouse or a friend.
Children are welcome and each ticket comes with a $25 gift certificate to Heartlove Photography!
(That means for $25, you get $50 back as a gift certificate to use for yourself or give as a gift:)
Have I really gone almost a month without blogging?! Oh man, it’s not even April and my Resolutions are dwindling! haha! How dare I miss the chance to show off this beautiful bundle!
Colleen was a few weeks away from her due date when she woke up in the middle of the night to broken water and after about 12 hours of peaceful, natural labor, Miss Keira was in her arms. I was so lucky to be invited to photograph her just before she turned 2 weeks old – so Madeline and I packed our bags for her first plane ride from BWI to Erie! My poor Carolina baby and I were not prepared for the weather – many well-meaning old ladies int he airport were appalled that she wasn’t wearing socks; but, as luck out have it Erie was having unseasonable warm 40 degree weather that week 🙂
So, here she is – sweet baby Keira (not Kiera :P)…
The dust settled, the boxes are unpacked (well, sort-of) and the Mills’ are now residents of Maryland again. And there it was, the void. The hole in your heart and schedule. All of our friends and our children’s friends were suddenly very far away. Change is hard, and this was no exception. While I have great old friends from my hometown, I didn’t have many friends who are moms.
One morning I started ‘googling’ to try to change that circumstance and I stumbled upon Soft & Cozy Baby. A little diaper shop, located on The Avenue in Hampden, offering mommy groups, classes, and plenty of retail therapy. I loaded Delilah and Madeline in the car and off we went…
It’s always a good sign when the front door looks like this…
We were welcomed with open arms – a play area for the girls and plenty of cloth diapers, baby carriers (to try on!) and breastfeeding supplies for this mama =) I left with wool wash (a gift from, believe it or not, my cousin who works there – small world?!) and new friends.
That evening my cousin, Stephanie, sent me a job application – this growing store is hiring. On a whim, I filled it out and sent it in. The owner, Bayla, invited me to interview and I learned a little more about what makes this place so special. In addition to owning this gem – she is an incredibly hard working midwife! By the end of the week Madeline and I were headed to work. Knowing the importance of nurturing an infant, Bayla has made bringing your nursling to work a store policy.
Join me on a little tour of our shop 🙂 Summer items from swim diapers to natural sunscreen have just been stocked!
Check out some more goodies…. and Mr. Jacob, store associate Kristen’s little man 🙂
It’s only been a couple of weeks, but I am in love with Soft & Cozy Baby. They recently outgrew their first location and have a beautiful new space! Our grand re-opening at 915 W. 36th St. will be on Sunday, March 25th and on behalf of Bayla, Melinda, Tova, Kristen, Anilia, Nikki & Stephanie, I would like to cordially invite all of you! If I haven’t convinced you by now, maybe the AMAZING giveaways will… All of the items you see below will be given away at the opening!
That’s right – you do see an Ergo Carrier and Backpack and a Beco Carrier and many nursing pads, cloth diapers, wooden toys, swag bags stuffed full of fun stuff, cloth wipes, Rockin’ Green (did you know that it was developed by a U.S. Marine? 😉 and many other things natural, organic, eco-friendly, reusable and conducive to attached parenting <3
I truly hope to see you there! And when I do, please let them know that you saw it here 🙂
There will also be some Heartlove Photo goodies to be given away as well! And be on the look out for Photography 101 classes coming in April!
Thank you all! More than 120 entries were made to support many very deserving couples and families 🙂 Each one was heart-warming! There were very few who wanted the prize for themselves, and very many who wanted to bless someone else with it – that made my day!
In that giving spirit, I decided to do more than help one couple 🙂 So, the top 3 nominees will each win a prize.
To the second runner-up, you win a mini session with 8×10 credit – a prize worth over $100
And the winner is…. Rose Telak and John Rausch! Rose and Jon are high school sweethearts and have been together for the better part of the last decade. She says “ I am Rose, my boyfriend/best friend/lover/soul mate is John.” A friend describes them as “a very sweet and a good example of love and commitment.” Congratulations John and Rose!
To the first runner-up, you win a full session with CD credit – a prize worth over $400
And the winner is….. Melissa Gilpin and Zack Ball! Zack and Melissa will be married on March 10th. A friend told me, “Zach’s just back from an extended deployment helping the Japanese with the nuclear reactor damaged in last year’s earthquake, and Mel’s just a sweetheart. They’re both active in community theater in Southern, Md and a finer pair of young people you couldn’t find anywhere.” Congratulations Zack and Melissa!
To the first place winner, you win 4 hours of wedding coverage including an album – a prize worth over $1000
And the winner is …. April Sheppard and Derek Fogel! April says, “My fiancé Derek and I have been together 4 years. We have a 2 year old, Madelyn. We are finally tying the knot this summer 8.18.12 at the Cape May Lewes Ferry in Lewes, DE. My mom is officiating and my sister wrote a song to sing as I walk down the aisle…” I was touched by the loving entries made by her entire family – her aunt said “ She is a very hard-working nurse in Maryland… She worked to put herself through college in 3 years, found a job, had a baby and continues to bless all around her.” Her father’s recommendation could not have been any more sweet, “ She loves caring for and helping people. In late June of last year, I came down with a serious illness and the doctors were not expecting me to survive. My daughter April had dropped everything and came to my hospital in Pa and never left my side. She stayed at my bedside for days and slept on a chair in my room. She was a bulldog (but polite) with all the doctors and nurses so that she could ensure everything was being done for me. Against all odds, I fully recovered and I am alive today because of her.
She deserves the best possible wedding and I hope you agree. I Love her so much and hope that she wins.” Congratulations Derek and April!
Thank you all for taking the time to share my page and enter this contest 🙂 Check back often to see the images of the winners over the next few months here, on facebook and twitter!
I’ll be seeing you,
Meet Christy. She and I go way back – we met at George Fox Middle School 🙂 And it’s probably been about that long since we’ve had a whole conversation. She is now a full-blown adult and in grad school. (Yes, I am married, have 2 kids and a business but I still feel like I’m not quite a grown up yet haha)
Christy has followed my photography journey and left me some really kind facebook feedback and I offered to do a session for her. You never know the impact a few kind words can have – years later even. People remember kindness.
I think this is loosely a Maya Angelou quote (but I have a terrible memory so who knows where it actually came from! lol)… No one remembers what you say, some remember what you do, but everyone remembers how you made them feel.
Thanks for hanging out with me Christy! It was fun to catch up and I look forward to seeing a lot more of each other 🙂