The dust settled, the boxes are unpacked (well, sort-of) and the Mills’ are now residents of Maryland again. And there it was, the void. The hole in your heart and schedule. All of our friends and our children’s friends were suddenly very far away. Change is hard, and this was no exception. While I have great old friends from my hometown, I didn’t have many friends who are moms.
One morning I started ‘googling’ to try to change that circumstance and I stumbled upon Soft & Cozy Baby. A little diaper shop, located on The Avenue in Hampden, offering mommy groups, classes, and plenty of retail therapy. I loaded Delilah and Madeline in the car and off we went…
It’s always a good sign when the front door looks like this…

We were welcomed with open arms – a play area for the girls and plenty of cloth diapers, baby carriers (to try on!) and breastfeeding supplies for this mama =) I left with wool wash (a gift from, believe it or not, my cousin who works there – small world?!) and new friends.
That evening my cousin, Stephanie, sent me a job application – this growing store is hiring. On a whim, I filled it out and sent it in. The owner, Bayla, invited me to interview and I learned a little more about what makes this place so special. In addition to owning this gem – she is an incredibly hard working midwife! By the end of the week Madeline and I were headed to work. Knowing the importance of nurturing an infant, Bayla has made bringing your nursling to work a store policy.
Join me on a little tour of our shop 🙂 Summer items from swim diapers to natural sunscreen have just been stocked!

Check out some more goodies…. and Mr. Jacob, store associate Kristen’s little man 🙂

It’s only been a couple of weeks, but I am in love with Soft & Cozy Baby. They recently outgrew their first location and have a beautiful new space! Our grand re-opening at 915 W. 36th St. will be on Sunday, March 25th and on behalf of Bayla, Melinda, Tova, Kristen, Anilia, Nikki & Stephanie, I would like to cordially invite all of you! If I haven’t convinced you by now, maybe the AMAZING giveaways will… All of the items you see below will be given away at the opening!
That’s right – you do see an Ergo Carrier and Backpack and a Beco Carrier and many nursing pads, cloth diapers, wooden toys, swag bags stuffed full of fun stuff, cloth wipes, Rockin’ Green (did you know that it was developed by a U.S. Marine? 😉 and many other things natural, organic, eco-friendly, reusable and conducive to attached parenting <3

I truly hope to see you there! And when I do, please let them know that you saw it here 🙂
There will also be some Heartlove Photo goodies to be given away as well! And be on the look out for Photography 101 classes coming in April!