
FAQs | Baltimore, MD Photographer

I thought I’d answer some of the most common questions I get in e-mails and during sessions 🙂



Where does ”Heartlove” come from?

‘Hartlove’ is my Mama’s maiden name and I always thought it was the best last name I’d ever heard  – since I was born with my Dad’s last name and now have my husbands, I really wanted to have it in some way – why not the name of my business!  I changed the spelling to ‘heart’ so it would be easy for people to spell.

How much do the sessions cost?

Every collection includes my time and talent, basic enhancements and editing and an online password-protected photo gallery.  As well as a post-session consultation to proof and order prints.  Please contact me for more detailed information and for a quote to fit your specific needs.  An average order is between $500-$800.  I do offer full resolution digital files.

What are the sessions like?

I pride myself on getting to know the people I work with on a deeper level than just a “client.”  Plan on your session being an event in itself – prepare for  1-3 hours of hanging out, playing, laughing and generally having a good time.  Part of this time I will just be a fly on the wall snapping shots of you enjoying time with your family.  At other times I will guide you to get wall-worthy family portraits.  Please allow me to direct your children – you can take the day off as the disciplinarian and just let them be kids while I guide them.  Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to guide you too so you are looking your best without bra straps showing or food stuck in your teeth.  And don’t worry, the spit-up on your shirt can be edited out… 🙂  My goal at the end of the session is to make sure our time was enjoyable and your images reflect your personality and style.

What should I wear?

Simple; wear what makes you comfortable.  Dress for the weather.  Consider letting your children choose their own clothes.  Pick meaningful accessories.  Less usually is more. Have your family coordinate, but not necessarily match.  Feel free to contact me if you need help or have specific questions – I will even go shopping with you if you’d like!  Check out my Pintrest page for suggestions of coordinated outfits for portrait sessions.

What if the weather is bad?

There is no charge to reschedule for another day if it is raining or too hot/cold to do your session.  Grey skies don’t mean we can’t shoot, they may actually be the best weather for a photo shoot.  As a last resort, we can do an indoor session at your home or my home studio.

What is the difference between hiring you and going to a photo studio?

“Custom” or “lifestyle” photography refers to photographers who do not work on quantity, but quality.  The pricing is different than department store studios, but you get a whole lot more for your money.  I only schedule one or two sessions per day (one at sunrise and the other at sunset) with each session lasting 1-3 hours.  There are no shot/pose limits.  In that time our goal is to have fun and make a memory of you being yourself.  I work around the best light, which means sunrise or sunset with few exceptions.  I do offer studio sessions but encourage only maternity and newborn sessions be done there.  I will travel to wherever you can imagine your family being yourself.

Should I bring anything?

You may bring anything you like – change of clothes, props, toys, books, food, your pets… whatever you can imagine being a part of a memory you want on film.  Especially consider baby/toddler needs – from toys to entertain and make them laugh to snacks and sip cups for breaks in our session.

When should I have my baby’s portraits taken?

The short answer; in your belly, right out of your belly, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months.

A better answer;

➣  Schedule your maternity session between 34-37 weeks of pregnancy.  This session is a great time to get some more intimate photos of mom and dad as well as many of mom to be and baby-in-belly.

➣ While you are still pregnant, schedule your newborn session – obviously we will not settle on a date, but I will keep time available around your estimated due date.  Newborn portraits will only be done before the baby is 10 days old.  This session includes individual and family photos.  The majority of the photos will be done with baby as he or she was when they came into the world, stripped down and curled up in a little ball.  These can be done in your home or my home studio.

➣ The next session is when your baby can lay on their belly and hold their head up or while being held upright have good head control.  This happens around 3 months old.

➣ When your baby can sit up well without any assistance, schedule your 6 month appointment.  Some babies do this around 4 months, others aren’t ready until 7 months or more – it’s worth waiting for those photos sitting alone!

➣ Around 9 months old, baby starts standing with assistance or holding onto another object.  This session is a good time to have portraits done so they are ready for first birthday announcements and invitations.

➣ A baby’s first birthday is so bittersweet – the last days of infancy open up to busy toddlerhood days… This session is best when baby is standing alone.  On the other hand, many people prefer to have these taken within a week of the baby’s actual birthday to record how they are at that exact time.  Either way, smash-the-cake photos are always a favorite!  We can do a regular session and at the end add a messy cake-smash!  It is also a good time to add photos with the whole family in addition to individual birthday baby-going-on-toddler shots.

the zellers’ maternity session | baltimore, md maternity photographer


When I met Kelly and Dave the first thing I noticed was their excitement for the baby she has been growing for the last 9 months. After nearly a decade of hoping for a baby, this loving couple is expecting their first little bundle of joy any day now!  (And hopefully I’ll be there to capture the moment 🙂

Baby Z is so lucky to have parents so eagerly anticipating their arrival – plus a home full of Dad’s art and  puppy love.  Stay tuned for news of this precious little one’s arrival!

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