
will and family | baltimore baby photographer

You might recognize this handsome fellow from his newborn portraits a few months ago – he’s already 4 months old!

Just looking at his chunky cheeks and sweet smile, you wouldn’t know it – but he’s fighting an ugly disease called Neuroblastoma.  It’s not going to be an easy road, but Will is up for the challenge and he’s being cared for by an amazing set of parents and family plus the best doctors in the world at Johns Hopkins.

For a little over a month now, they’ve been doing tests and he’s had his first surgery – this week will bring his first chemo treatments.  I know I can’t do Will’s story justice, so please take the time to visit his parents’ website to read more about his journey and for updates along the way.


Zach and Amanda ask that you share Will’s story and keep your prayers coming!


will Praying for Will Praying for Will Praying for Will Praying for Will Praying for Will Praying for Will

seth | baltimore, md newborn photographer

Meet Seth ♥

A couple weeks ago his auntie, Serina Sparkman, got in contact with me 🙂 Serina is a photographer out of Texas who would be flying in to visit her sister and new nephew but couldn’t bring all the newborn props and such that she needed to take his portraits. Lucky me, I got to spend the morning with them and share my props plus grab a few snapshots of this gorgeous baby boy.

If you are in or around San Antonio, check her out and tell her Jill sent you!

drummer boy newborn with drums sleep pull back shotseth prince

pin to win a $500 gift certificate! | baltimore newborn photographer

In celebration of breaking ground on my new studio, I’m hosting an exciting contest!


From our daughter’s bedroom to the dining room, my “studio” space has been a corner of the house that had to be reassembled before every session and torn down right after.  It is a dream come true to have my own studio space.  Details on the Studio Opening Party are forthcoming but until then I’d like to start giving away prizes!


Here’s the official before image:


Please excuse the insta-quality :)

While we are all waiting for the “after” image, join in a Pin to Win Contest!

First, visit Heartlove Photography’s facebook page and click “Like” for updates and info on your newsfeed!

Then follow these steps…

  • On your Pinterest page make a board titled “My Heart Loves…”
  • Pin least 10 original Heartlove Photography images to your “My Heart Loves…” board. Don’t let us stop you there, pin to your heart’s content!  Please pin these directly from the website rather than just re-pinning from another person’s page.
  • Complete your “My Heart Loves… ” board by midnight EST Wednesday, January 9, 2013 and place its link below as a comment. Contest runs 12/26/12 – 1/9/2013. 
  • How much the lucky pinner wins is up to you!
    The winner will receive $50 in Heartlove Photography Gift Certificate for every 10 entries we receive, up to a total of $500! So after you share the board with us, be sure to tell your friends and family to enter too, post your own blog with a link here or share on facebook and twitter!

Just pin 10 images, leave a comment here with the link and tell your friends to do the same!

The winner will be chosen at random from all eligible entries on 1/9/13.  Here’s the fine print.

Helpful Hint: It’s easy to install a “Pin It” button on your browser – just click here and add the button to your bookmarks and remember to pin directly from the site, not to repin from someone else’s board.