You’ll remember Charlee’s newborn session in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina … here she is already a year old at home in West Virginia
You’ll remember Charlee’s newborn session in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina … here she is already a year old at home in West Virginia
Help me do something incredible…
Let’s raise $1000 in one day.
The young women of Managua, Nicaragua are in desperate need – they need the basic necessities for survival and even more they need compassionate and caring relationships.
Villa Esperanza is the answer for these young women – giving food, shelter, education, medical care, counseling and hope to women who have been victims of sex trafficking.
$1000 is needed before the end of August to send a volunteer, Laura Cantler, to aid this mission.
Here’s how you can help:
When: July 28th 9-6pm
Where: Heartlove’s Studio
What: Couture-Inspired Portraiture
Who: All women – Ages 4 to 104
All the proceeds go directly to make this mission trip possible.
If you aren’t convinced this is an incredible value for an amazing cause…
I’d like you to meet Laura.
Laura is a newlywed – working alongside her husband as a campus life director at the non-profit Metro Maryland Youth For Christ.
She has a heart for each teen girl – to be sure they know how beautiful, precious, and unique, and important they are.
Her “kids” know her as someone always in jeans and a tee shirt.
She wore chucks to her wedding.
Some may describe her as quiet, but she is convicted.
Laura believes in empowering women. Whether it’s in her own neighborhood or 3,500 miles away.
In the 2 hours she spent at the studio, Laura transformed from the girl-next-door to a model straight off the pages of a magazine.
Mid-session, she didn’t skip a beat to answer a phone call from her husband- one of those teens needs a place to stay. It wasn’t a question – there is a place in her home.
I have no doubt that the time she spends in Nicaragua will impact many lives, if not save them.
It’s your turn to be transformed – contact us to reserve your session now.
It pains me to post about the winter while summer is still in full swing – but I want you to have a stress free holiday season. No rushing around addressing cards, no panicking to find perfect outfits, no worrying about the last minute budget.
Plan now and enjoy perfect fall portraits to enjoy for years to come.
Call me 410-903-3265, pencil it in your appointment book … then go put your bathing suit on and play in a sprinkler with your kids!
Prints and products purchased separately, session fee due to hold your appointment, non-refundable but transferable to another date
Studio Sessions available on October 19th & 20th from 10am-5pm
On-location Outdoor Sessions available October 6th & 13th from 3pm-5pm
Without getting too sappy, I love this family <3
Over the last year, I’ve had the joy of watching Ethan grow – it’s nothing short of a privilege. I’m finding it hard to put into words. Marking the time that has past in this family’s history, is intertwined with my own family’s – my girls grew a year older along side of this precious baby. I’m blessed to call them friends and more than thankful to have captured their pregnancy, birth, newborn, 3-6-9 month and first birthday celebrations. Enjoy a snapshot at this marvelous year 🙂
I’m excited to announce limited-edition light-writing sessions!
These sessions are great for ages 4 and older – perfect for couples, children, senior portraits and more.
Creative Fee: $50
Includes: Session outside of our Glen Burnie Photography Studio resulting in 10 images, light-writing media & hand-retouching.
Prints and products are ordered separately; special pricing is available for these nighttime sessions.
Act now!
Limited appointments available August 31 – October 15, 2013 | 8:30-10:00pm