three | baltimore baby announcement photographer
baltimore newborn photography | the many faces of harper lynn
baltimore newborn photography | harper
baltimore newborn photography | pretty in pink {and grey}
maryland waterfall photographer | z maternity
baby l | newborn photographer
harper’s birth story | baltimore newborn photographer
I’d like to tell you about the long, hard labor that brought a beautiful miracle into the world… My brother-and-sister-in-law are two wonderful people who are already amazing parents.
The words I have just don’t to it justice…. This is the day (and night and day again) that my sweet niece, Harper Lynn, was born.
Don’t let this next image fool you, Ian really was an expert birth support <3 😛
as was Tiffany’s mom…
Days after her water broke, 12 hours of pitocin, many many many contractions, sitting on a ball, dancing, walking, standing, squatting… all let to 7 cm dilation. At her next exam, the resident who checked Tiffany felt something odd. A hand? An elbow next to the head? She called in the attending OB. That part she felt was a nose.
Harper was presenting face down with her chin toward mom’s back – the position is called mentum posterior. This rare presentation cannot be delivered vaginally as the baby’s neck cannot stretch this way during delivery.
All of Tiffany’s hard work paid off – babies benefit from labor. It was not for nothing, but the final stage would have to be in an OR.
An hour later we were able to see sweet Harper. A little puffy from her position and a little bruised from being pulled out – she scared everyone with a slow start breathing. But she got the hang of it quickly and hasn’t had another scare since.
Here’s the first time her dad got to touch her. He said she’s the softest thing he’s ever felt.
And finally Daddy got to hold his precious little girl.
And the grandparents got to meet her, too.
And the next set of grandparents…
And finally, mom was out of surgery and recovery. She refused pain medicine so she could see her baby as soon as possible.
And at nearly 4 in the morning after all she went though, Harper met her mama.
baltimore halloween mini sessions | costumes & cameras
Not only for Halloween Costumes – this event is perfect for babies and children from 6 months through 5 years. A fall set with 2 backdrop options – dark wood or cream plus all the fall accouterments from colorful mums to pumpkins. These sessions are a STEAL for $39 and will never be offered at this price again. In addition, this set will be retired after this date.
Update: We have 4 sessions still available on Saturday October 26th and are offering referral incentives to fill these spots!
custom portraiture vs mini session | baltimore, maryland photographer
As a custom photography studio, Heartlove Photography, LLC works to provide a different experience than you’d find at a chain photography studio. Although most of our time is spent doing custom portrait sessions, several times a year we offer limited edition sets for one-day portrait events. These “mini-sessions” offer lower price points and seasonal backgrounds, but are limited in other ways. Here is what sets these sessions apart:
1) Time Constraints
Capturing sleeping infants in beautiful curled poses takes time. Custom portrait sessions last at least 1 hour – with no specific time limits. Newborn sessions often last longer than 2 hours. We meet at the studio or on-location and take our time to capture candid moments as well as posed portraits. Sessions are scheduled at the client’s choice of time to be able to accommodate their children’s naps, work, etc. We have time to take breaks for snacks and just rest from being in front of the camera so children are comfortable and happy. Also, we book no more than 1 session per day to ensure the highest quality customer service and personalized attention from the moment you book your session through delivery of your final artwork.
Mini sessions last about 15 minutes with appointments ending just before your session and starting just after. If a client is running late, their time gets cut short. The advantage of this is children have a short attention span, so this short window ends before they get bored or tired. Because of the nature of these sessions, they are best suited for babies who can sit up unassisted – If your child is younger than 6 months, please consider a full session.
2) Price
As the saying goes, you get what you pay for. The cost for a custom portrait session is several hundred dollars, and there may be additional costs for on-location sessions – but you get a whole-lot of bang for your buck here. Session fees include a consultation if you choose to have one, portrait sitting, hand-retouching and personalized design work. 2-3 weeks after your session, images are ready for viewing in your private online gallery. Generally, the session results in at least 30-40 fully retouched images but often MANY more. These timeless sessions do not usually include seasonal props, opting instead for simple and elegant sets and locations. Generally, families books one custom portrait session a year while their children are young and changing quickly. Once their children are older, they may opt for a custom family portrait session every other or every third year. These sessions are archived for at least a year after you place your order.
Mini sessions range from $129-299 for a 10-15 minute session resulting in about 10-15 images. These low prices allow families to book several short sessions a year for holiday and themed sessions. Images may include small props and holiday backdrops. This is great for families who want fun gift prints and keepsakes for “Baby’s First” holidays. These sessions usually include your choice of a few digital images with the opportunity to purchase more if you wish and any images not ordered are permanently deleted when your online gallery expires about 2 weeks after the session.
3) Variety
Custom portrait sessions include varied backdrops – either in the studio or at a location. There are no limits, so your images range from intimate and candid, to posed and looking at the camera.
Mini sessions include a single backdrop or location with no option to choose. Props may be available, but limited to the theme of the session. Also, these occur on one specific date. They book quickly, so your ideal time may not be available.
If you are interested in Heartlove Photography’s Mini Session schedule in Baltimore, MD and the surrounding areas this season – join our mailing list to be the first to hear session announcements!