
home birth photography | heartlove photography

After days of prodromal labor, things started to heat up and I got the call to come… and within the hour baby had arrived.  Between the 40 minute drive and rush-hour traffic, I couldn’t have made it unless I flew 😉 But I arrived just a few minutes after sweet Clementine’s birth <3


Maryland Birth Photographer Jillian Mills

Maryland Birth Photographer Jillian MillsMaryland Birth Photographer Jillian Mills Maryland Birth Photographer Jillian Mills Maryland Birth Photographer Jillian MillsMaryland Birth Photographer Jillian MillsMaryland Birth Photographer Jillian MillsMaryland Birth Photographer Jillian MillsMaryland Birth Photographer Jillian MillsSwinging on the birth swing 😉

Maryland Birth Photographer Jillian MillsMaryland Birth Photographer Jillian MillsMaryland Birth Photographer Jillian MillsMaryland Birth Photographer Jillian MillsMaryland Birth Photographer Jillian MillsMaryland Birth Photographer Jillian MillsMaryland Birth Photographer Jillian MillsMaryland Birth Photographer Jillian MillsDog meeting Newborn Baby | Maryland Birth Photographer Jillian MillsUmbilical Cord Burning | Maryland Birth Photographer Jillian Mills Maryland Birth Photographer Jillian Mills Umbilical Cord Burning | Maryland Birth Photographer Jillian Mills Home Birth | Maryland Birth Photographer Jillian Mills Mom with Baby at Home Birth | Maryland Birth Photographer Jillian Mills

baby e | baltimore newborn photographer



What a joy to spend a little time with this tiny baby girl.  Weighing in just under 6 pounds, we still haven’t reached her due date!Family Newborn Portrait Family Newborn Portrait with Dog Breech Preemie Newborn Photographer Breech Preemie Newborn Photographer Breech Preemie Newborn Photographer

That wild leg didn’t want to stay tucked in! 

Breech Preemie Newborn Photographer Breech Preemie Newborn Photographer

Babies love to take the shape they kept in the womb – it was easily apparent this little miss was breech until her birthday.

Breech Preemie Newborn Photographer Family Newborn Portrait