
a mother’s day post | jill’s blog




So many of my clients know her by the same name my kids call her, Mama D. 

Spring Mini Sessions by Heartlove Photography

This beautiful woman is my own mom, Darlene, and I’m just going to say it, she IS the heart of Heartlove.  She has always been the keeper of our family’s memories.  The one to make you stay just one more minute on holidays so we can get a family photo.   The one to shuffle us outside to get better light for out 1st Day of School pictures.  Every other week or so, a roll of film would come back and we’d sit together, eagerly flipping through to see how they turned out.  Even more importantly, she was the one sitting up at night writing on the back of every photo so we’d never forget the details around every moment captured.

The day this business was born, I was sitting on the couch next to my mom with a laptop and my first DSLR.  “What about Hartlove?”  Hartlove is my mom’s maiden name – with an extra vowel for easy spelling, Heartlove Photography came to life.

If I could only put into words what she has done to facilitate, inspire, curate and advise this and so much of my work – but there is no short version of everything she does.  Sometimes it’s a small thing like making sure I get lunch or bringing a step stool before I even had to ask for it.  Or saving a session by being the one making babies smile behind me – or being the gentle hands keeping babies safe on the set.  My constant sounding board.  The one who has a business card in her back pocket at just the right time.  And that’s just how she helps out with my work – I could fill an encyclopedia with the lessons and love she has poured into whole life.

To sum it up, Mom,

‘Thank you’ will never be enough.  Your support and encouragement mean the world to me and I love you with all of my heart.

Love, Jill



custom photo locket | baltimore photography

I am SO in love with this new product!  These new charms are the perfect piece of custom jewelry.
If you love them too, scroll to the bottom for a chance to win your own!


Choose from your own image gallery for the front and inside OR choose a stock image (all exclusively by Heartlove Photography – you won’t find these images anywhere else!).  Custom quote designs and Initials are available too!

Wearing my babies today!

A photo posted by heartlovephoto (@heartlovephoto) on

Photo in my charm by @LennonPhotoOnline

We are looking for one more stock design to complete the collection for Spring/Summer 2014 – do you have the perfect idea? Comment on this post with a unique idea and if you inspire the last image, you’ll get your own charm for FREE!

IMG_5918 Photo Charms by Heartlove Photography


a moment in motherhood | baltimore nursing portraits

It’s not about how you feed your baby – or really even what you feed them – it’s the moments you share with the weight of a baby in your arms.

They come and go so quickly.

Sometimes I savor every breath and others I wish away – hoping to get back to sleep or get back to work or get anything else done.

None of them are perfect.

But I find myself missing even the messiest of times – I miss my 5 month old as a 5 day old.  I miss my 5 year old as a 5 month old.  I can assure you at 5 days old I was painfully hoping for the moments to pass quickly – hoping I could make it through each hour, make it through that very long night, make it through one more feeding.  And here I am tearfully wishing I could be in that moment again.

With these photos, I get so show a few moms what this moment looks like from the outside – and it’s beautiful.



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Baltimore, MD Nursing Portraits
Baltimore, MD Nursing Portraits Baltimore, MD Nursing PortraitsBaltimore, MD Nursing Portraits

Baltimore, MD Nursing Portraits Baltimore, MD Nursing Portraits


Baltimore, MD Nursing PortraitsBaltimore, MD Nursing Portraits
Baltimore, MD Nursing PortraitsI’m having trouble finding the words to go with this – sometimes it looks a little different, but this mama nurses her baby all the same and it’s made possibly by the loving heart of another mom who gave her own milk.
Baltimore, MD Nursing PortraitsBaltimore, MD Nursing Portraits Baltimore, MD Nursing Portraits

kaia | NICU photography

Born at just under 3 pounds, this little girl shocked everyone with her early arrival.  Only 30 weeks into a healthy pregnancy, her mom came to Maryland on a short trip to visit family and Kaia decided she wanted to be a Maryland baby!

It was an honor to spend a little time with her and document these precious ‘everyday’ moments of life in the NICU.

Heartlove Photography offers sessions like this as a gift for babies who spend time in the NICU at hospitals in and around Baltimore, MD.   If you know of a NICU family who would appreciate images of their child in the NICU at no cost, please share this post and contact me for more information.

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donate here! | 2015 Miracle Milk Stroll Maryland

We can’t wait for this event 🙂 Last year was the first Miracle Milk Stroll – this year is gearing up to be even bigger and better.

Join the Facebook Event here!

Join my team here and come stroll with us!

Can’t make it? Donate here!

The Best for Babes Foundation started the #miraclemilk movement to raise awareness about human milk donation. One of the biggest risks for premature babies is a painful disease called NEC (Necrotising Enterocolitis) – this is the second leading cause of death in NICUs. As scary as that is, the risks of NEC can be reduced by up to 80% just by feeding them human milk instead of formula. That means we can nearly CURE this terribly costly disease with breastmilk. For many reasons, mother’s of these fragile babies are not able to give their own milk – whether they have their own medical conditions or are just in those first 24-72 hours before they are able to get any milk by pumping. The problem here is more than 60% of NICUs are NOT using donor milk at all. (Fun fact – Sinai is the ONLY local hospital to offer a diet of ALL human milk in the NICU!) This event is going to increase education and awareness that is vital to our cause as well as raise funds for the task of changing hospital policies.

Our walk is going to take place on May 2 at 10:00am at Druid Hill Park (adjacent to the Baltimore Zoo). I’d love for you to join us! We want Baltimore to be the largest walk in the country! If you can, please register online – the $10 donation at registration goes a long way smile emoticon That also registers you for the giveaways (breast pumps, baby carriers and More!) and gets you a swag bag!
If your attendance isn’t possible, please consider donating! Milk banks NEVER have enough breastmilk and the amount it takes to sustain a premature baby’s life is measured in drops at a time – just fractions of an ounce.

There are other ways to get involved – monetary donations are needed and general awareness and advocacy is SO important! I hope to see many of you there!

Saturday May 2, 2015


Druid Hill Park

2600 Madison Ave.

Baltimore, MD 21217


Your $10 donation at registration will go a long way toward education and awareness.  Your presence at the event is the icing on the cake!  All registered participants who have donated the minimum of $10 will be eligible for some AWESOME giveaways soon. We have 4 Limerick PJ’s Comfort pumps and a wonderful JunoBlu Snakeskin Breast Pump Tote that we will raffle off.  Additionally, 10 lucky Stroll locations (chosen at random) will be the recipient of an OnyaBaby Carrier which they will receive in time for the Stroll. Stay tuned for more details on these amazing giveaways from Best for Babes’ wonderful C.A.R.E. Code Alliance members…

Join the Facebook Event here!

Join my team here and come stroll with us!

Can’t make it?  Donate here!


I make miracle milk.

spring mini sessions | baltimore baby photographer



You’re invited!

Please join us for Spring Mini Sessions at Greenberries Baltimore!

Saturday, April 4, 2015 11am-6pm

Located on the Avenue in Hampden
915 W. 36th St. Baltimore, MD

15 minute sessions will result in a total of 8-10 images. The $119 session fee includes your choice of 3 full-resolution digital images with print release. Additional digital images and discounted print packages will be available for purchase in your password-protected online gallery. These sessions are ideal for babies and children. We recommend scheduling 1 session per child in order to achieve the best variety of individual as well as sibling poses.

Click here to book your appointment or for more information!

Please include the number of children and your preferred time.


What should my child wear?
Your Sunday best or Easter outfit would be perfect. Muted/natural tones are great. Most importantly, let your child be comfortable.

What ages are appropriate?

Babies who have very stable head control are best suited for this set. To get a variety of poses safely, babies should be able to hold their head up while laying on their belly or if propped up in a seated position. Generally, this happens around 3 months old. Younger babies are absolutely invited – you should expect less variety as they are limited to laying down. There is no child too old for this set!

Can I bring more than 1 child?

Siblings are invited! To give enough time for individual poses and group shots, we recommend booking 1 session per child.

How do I reserve a spot?

Click here to let me know you are interested! Please include your preferred time, number of children and age(s). Once we confirm a time, you will receive a Paypal invoice. Your time will be held for 24 hours from that point. If your invoice goes unpaid, your time will be given to the next person in line. If you’d like to Pay with check, cash or credit card in person, we are happy to make those arrangements.

Your appointment is not secure until payment is received.

Easter Mini Session Baltimore MD Spring 2015 Easter Mini Session Baltimore MD Spring 2015 Easter Mini Session Baltimore MD Spring 2015 Easter Mini Session Baltimore MD Spring 2015 Easter Mini Session Baltimore MD Spring 2015 Easter Mini Session Baltimore MD Spring 2015 Easter Mini Session Baltimore MD Spring 2015 Easter Mini Session Baltimore MD Spring 2015 Easter Mini Session Baltimore MD Spring 2015