
fall mini sessions 2015 | baltimore baby photographer

Fall Mini Session 2015 Baltimore Annapolis
Fall Mini Sessions are here! Please join us in our NEW Pasadena, MD studio for a rustic autumn set – wood and metal bring an old barn styling to the classic pumpkin and mum props.
October 4, 2015
15 minute appointments from 9:00am-4:00pm
$129 includes your choice of 5 digital images
Book here!

Annapolis MD Fall Mini Sessions Annapolis MD Fall Mini Sessions Annapolis MD Fall Mini Sessions Annapolis MD Fall Mini Sessions Annapolis MD Fall Mini Sessions Annapolis MD Fall Mini Sessions Annapolis MD Fall Mini Sessions Annapolis MD Fall Mini Sessions

Fall Mini Session Annapolis MD

Fall Mini Session Annapolis MD


dream big | jill’s blog

It’s been just over 3 years since we’ve moved back to Maryland.  The first months after our move I thought my dream of being a photographer was trash.  Little by little, one client at a time, my business grew.  A year later, we built a 240 sq. ft. shed and turned it into a home studio/office.  It was small, but it was more than I could have dreamt of when I first picked up a camera.

September 1, 2015, Heartlove Photography took the next big leap into a store-front studio.  We’ve been working hard in the last several weeks and we’re finally ready to announce it to the world!

Heartlove Photography, LLC is now located at 8971 Fort Smallwood Rd. Unit C, Pasadena, MD 21122

We’re so excited to take this next step and create an even better client experience while we continue to deliver the images you expect.  Dreams really do come true <3

Please join us for a Grand Opening party on Thursday, September 24, 2015 from 6-9pm

Click here to RSVP! 

Until then, enjoy a few pictures of our progress…
(PS These are old news if you’re on IG – click the link to follow us!)

Pasadena, MD Photography Studio

Pasadena, MD Photography Studio Pasadena, MD Photography Studio

Back to School 2015 Mini Sessions | Baltimore, MD

Join us for Back-To-School Mini Sessions!

Time does fly.

With our oldest headed to Kindergarten and middle daughter headed to Pre-K, I’m wondering how they got so old and cherishing the moments while they are so young.

These sessions are great for first time (or anytime!) school-goers, unschoolers, home schoolers or just recording your child this time of year – babies of any age are welcome!

$99 includes your 20 minute session for 1 child with 5 digital images
Limited appointments available! A minimum of 10 are needed.

Sessions will be on a brick backdrop with classic school styling – antique desks, globe and apples create a vintage school room feel.

Click here to contact us an book your session – be sure to mention you are looking for Back to School Sessions.
Back to School Mini Sessions 2015 Baltimore, MD
You may also like Moon Mini Sessions or Nursing Mini Sessions

love you to the moon | howard county baby photographer

Mini Session Photography Baltimore, MD


Moon Mini Sessions

These vintage styled sessions will take place on private farmland in Brookville, MD.  Perfect for any age – recommended that babies can sit unassisted.  Families are invited to join in on these whimsical portraits.

$129 includes your 15 minute session and 5 digital images.

Click here to book your appointment!  Only 4 spots remain!



Mini Session Photography Baltimore, MD

Mini Session Photography Baltimore, MD

Mini Session Photography Baltimore, MD

Mini Session Photography Baltimore, MD

Mini Session Photography Baltimore, MD


This is when the rain started…Mini Session Photography Baltimore, MD

Mini Session Photography Baltimore, MD

Mini Session Photography Baltimore, MD

Mini Session Photography Baltimore, MD

2015 Baltimore Photos with Santa!

We’re making our lists and the ever-popular Chesapeake Santa is now on the books for the 2015 holiday season!

These sessions fill up fast, so to make things fair we’re giving everyone one last chance to join the newsletter to have the first chance at an appointment.

This year and e-mail will go out to anyone who has previously booked a Santa session – our loyal clients get first dibs!

48 hours later, the big announcement will be open to the public.  Here’s the sign-up form – sign up before Santa checks the list twice!

Baltimore Photos with Santa Baltimore Photos with Santa Baltimore Photos with Santa

world breastfeeding week 2015 | nursing portraits baltimore, md

breastfeeding portraits baltimore, md


Celebrate World Breastfeeding Awareness Month with a beautiful portrait session for mothers and children.  These sessions are not meant to exclude anyone, but to encourage those in this season of life.

$129 includes a 15 minute session at The Treehouse of Greenberries Baltimore with 5 digital images.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do these have to be nursing photos?
These sessions will be styled to record the nuances of the mother-child relationship – many of the shots will imply nursing even if it’s just baby in arms – like the image above you can’t really tell if that’s a breastfeeding baby or one who is just snuggling close.
What if my baby isn’t hungry at our appointment? 
Out of dozens of (if not more than one hundred!) 15 minute nursing portraits and have not met a baby who would not nurse! 🙂 The goal of these portraits is to show the relationship between mother and child, so snuggling a sleeping baby would be an absolute dream for this type of image. Especially older infants will nurse for just a minute or 2 and get distracted by me moving around with the camera, so there’s some implied nursing – where you cradle baby but from my angle there’s no way to tell if baby is actually latched or not.

How many total images will I get?

The session will result in 15-20 total images.  5 are included in the session fee, extras will be available for purchase in your online gallery.

Will these be posted online?

Only with your explicit permission!


How do I book? Click here!


Can non-nursing siblings join?
Of course!  Sessions are only 15 minutes long, so consider booking more than 1 appointment to be sure you have enough time.