
Stories with Santa 2017

Maryland Photos with Santa

November 11, 2017
Portrait Sessions with Santa – Pasadena, MD
Limited space available.
Skip the mall lines and enjoy 15 minutes of storytime with Santa. Bring your favorite book and let your child warm up at their own pace to create unique and personal images with a little Christmas magic and childhood wonder.
We’re so excited to have one and only Santa Warren from Chesapeake Santa back this year <3
Mini sessions result in about 30+ images in an online gallery. In the gallery, you will choose your 3 favorites and have the opportunity (but no obligation) to purchase prints ($12+), wall art ($199+)and extra digital images ($34/each or $349 for all 30+ images in the gallery).

photography basics for birth doulas | baltimore birth photography

Photography Basics for Birth Doulas

Doulas fulfill a vital role on a life-changing day in a woman’s life.  Join us for a half-day workshop introducing the basics of birth photography and how it adds value to every doula’s work.  Using the camera or cell phone you already have, we will examine the ways you can get beautiful, emotional images alongside your primary roll giving doula support.  Then we’ll dive into how you can use those image to increase engagement on social media, customize your website and enhance your client’s experience.

Date: Monday, October 16, 2017 / Make-Up Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Time 1:00pm

Location: 8971 Fort Smallwood Rd., Pasadena, MD 21122

Cost: $99

Registration is now open!


“Jill is a wonderful teacher, person and photographer! Thank you so much for this workshop! I’ve learned so much! I can’t wait for my next birth!” – Odile Penet, My Birth Companion 

Topics Include:

  • Added value of photography services
  • Benefits of photography for web presence and SEO
  • Using images to acquire new clients and enhance the experience of current clients
  • Using your own camera vs. using the client’s
  • Finding time to take photos while still making doula work the priority
  • Camera Basics
  • Lighting Basics
  • Finding the right angles/Composition
  • Recommended equipment
  • Finding “the moment”
  • Techniques for hospital and home birth
  • How to capture medical interventions/c-sections
  • Respecting the birth space and privacy
  • Storage, presentation and delivery of images
  • Consultations, model releases, questions to ask clients before labor
  • Bereavement Photography
  • and more!

Tuition Includes:

  • 4 hours of instruction
  • Online Community for additional questions, photo critiques and more
  • Client Questionnaire and Model Release templates
  • Printed “Quick Tips” reference guide to keep in your doula bag

Click here to register!

birth photography basics for birth doulas


This class is NOT:

  • specific technical instructions for individual cameras
  • manual settings for DSLRs

Date: Monday, October 16, 2017 / Make-Up Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Time 1:00pm

Location: 8971 Fort Smallwood Rd., Pasadena, MD 21122

Cost: $99

Click here to register!







farm fall mini sessions | baltimore child photographer

We have a new location in Jarrettsville, MD for unique and gorgeous fall portraits!  These affordable sessions will take place at the farm pictured below – hundred year old stone wall, blue and olive barn with plenty of pumpkins!  More information about mini sessions can be found here.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

15 minute session

Your choice of 3 digital image files


Click here to book your appointment! 


memory boxes 2017

Last November, we held an event to make 100 memory boxes and with the wonderful volunteers, we finished in only a couple hours.  The hospital has reached out in need of more to support their patients and we will hold an event on September 12, 2017 to make enough to stock Perinatal Loss Unit at the Johns Hopkins Hospital through 2018.

JHH cares for more than 100 families each year suffering from stillbirth or early infant loss and provides each family with a box to hold small keepsakes from their hospital stay, including the infant’s foot prints, hat, hair clippings or other support items. They rely on fundraising to purchase the boxes.

Boxes and simple embellishments will be provided to create beautiful hand-made memory boxes at the studio in Pasadena. This event is free and open to the public and no experience is necessary. Volunteers are needed to complete our goal of 100 hand-decorated boxes. Boxes will be delivered to the hospital ASAP.

Click here to RSVP

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

6pm until 100 boxes are completed

8971 Fort Smallwood Rd., Unit C

Pasadena, MD 21122

Can’t make it but want to help families suffering early infant loss?

You can make a donation to Johns Hopkins Hospital Perinatal Berevement Program:

Choose JHH-Perinatal Berevement Program in the Drop-Down menu.

stillbirth footprint