
stories with santa 2017 | baltimore family photographer

What a wonderful thing to continue this tradition for the 5th year <3 Chesapeake Santa has been bringing magic to our studio since 2013 and we’re so lucky to have him already scheduled for next year, too! Join the mailing list here to have the first chance to book your session on October 1, 2018.

Here are a few dozen of my favorite images from our studio Stories with Santa event that took place this past Saturday.  Featured are some with our classic clean edit and many with a whimsical snowy finish. Enjoy!

If you see your child pictured here, feel free to snag the image and share it with the Heartlove logo intact and a link to or tag to @heartlovephoto on Facebook or Instagram. Thank you so much for helping spread the word!



3 year milestone session | Pasadena, MD Photographer

I believe in capturing milestones because when you turn 3, you stand a little taller than ever before – but shorter than you’ll ever be again. The shape of your neck is no longer hidden by a chubby baby chin – but your cheeks are still full and round. Your eyes light up when you talk about your favorite type of airplane and your tongue still gets in the way of perfectly pronounced words. Your pincher fingers are finding all sorts of things and testing how they fly when you throw them or storing them in your pockets for another day. You still tug your ears when you’re feeling tired – or shy. You are curious and fearless enough to be out of mama’s reach – but not quite ready to let her out of your sight. Just a little bit of your time and a few shutter clicks will be your ticket back to the time between baby and childhood.

Is it safe to bring your newborn to a photography studio? | Maryland Photographer

Midwives, OBs and pediatricians agree, limiting your baby’s exposure to public indoor spaces for the first 4-6 weeks is a wise choice to keep your newborn healthy – especially during flu season.  Recovering from birth is a pivotal time for both parent and child.  There are a few reasons you might need to leave the house in those early days and weeks – for many having newborn portraits is one of them.  We offer options to accommodate families who choose to stay in their own space but still wish to have newborn portraits before baby is 2 weeks old – including both posed and lifestyle sessions in your home.  If you’re considering your options, here’s some information about Heartlove Photography’s studio that will help you make a decision about having your session in-home or in-studio.

1. We have an Appointment-Only Space
Heartlove Photography’s commercial studio space is located in a quaint shopping center in Millersville, MD. Our studio is open by appointment-only so we don’t see heavy foot traffic. Custom sessions are generally scheduled one per day so the studio is clean and ready specifically for you. The exception to this are mini session events where we have between 10-20 session per day and the set is kept tidy but not sanitized between each session. This is one of the reasons mini sessions are recommended for babies at least 6 months and older. 2. We keep it clean.
When preparing for a session with a newborn, the first way we make the studio a safe place is by cleaning the door knobs, changing table and other surfaces where hands touch. The method for cleaning depends on the surface – door knobs see a different cleaner than the surfaces baby will touch for instance. Even essential oils cleaners may not be safe for baby’s delicate respiratory system so we do our research before using any product in the studio.

3.  We strive to limit exposure to illness.
Relative to our studio, you face a much greater risk of illness in the crowded waiting room of your pediatrician’s office for a well-check. Babies are susceptible to a range of illnesses – many are vaccine-preventable but others, like RSV, are not so we consider that just one part of infection-control. While these illnesses in older children might present more like a bad cold, in infants they can be deadly. That’s why good hand-washing and carefully looking for early symptoms of illness are part of our routine. Knowing what an illness looks like while it’s contagious (often before the worst symptoms show up) helps me know if I’ve been exposed or my own children have been and I use that information to make a reasonable judgment about whether it’s safe for me to be around a newborn baby. If I believe my children may be sick, it’s not unusual for me to postpone a session. If a client let’s me know their child fell ill within a day of their session, I take extra care moving forward knowing I was potentially exposed. We can’t live in a bubble, but using reasonable judgement helps protect my most vulnerable clients. If I ever have a question about a symptom or duration of an illness, I check directly with my own doctor and my pediatrician.

4. We take time to prepare.
Before a session, everything you see ready to use – props, backdrops, wraps, hats – have been washed. The cover to the changing table and heating pad – things you might not wash after each use at home, get washed or replaced often in our studio. Working with naked newborn babies means every surface comes close to a range of fluids – I’ll spare you the details. I’m confident that the measures we take to clean each surface makes them safe for baby’s sensitive skin to touch. Beyond being clean, we consider the delicate adjustment baby is making to their life outside the womb – some of these include adjusting the temperature for a body not able to regulate itself, using soothing methods like sound and vibration, being up to date on best practices to support breastfeeding, and more.

5.  We have training and experience.
After a few years of working as a photographer, I began specializing in newborn photography in 2012.  At that time I committed to constantly learning about the physiology of birth and babies – knowing more about their physical development helps me pose them in the safest way possible. My training includes hands-on mentoring from other photographers as well as consulting with a cranio-sacral therapist, chiropractor and IBCLC. In addition to typical newborn expectations, I understand some of the challenges of babies who has a complicated or premature birth. Beyond the baby, I also consider the birthing person’s recovery and their limitations as another step to keeping the studio a safe place.

If parents and photographers are working together, communicating opening, we can safely capture incredible images of the new little human who joined your family.  I’d be honored for you to trust me with your precious baby’s first photos and I’m happy to answer any questions you might have.

Photographer Jillian Mills

Heartlove Photography, LLC 8971 Fort Smallwood Rd., Unit F, Pasadena, MD 21122

how to rock your family portraits | maryland family portrait photographer

Family portrait day is rarely something people look forward to – the day they see the images? That might be something to enjoy – but choosing outfits, keeping hair bows in and shoes on, making sure baby is fed and dry and toddler is happy and parents are out the door on-time with no spit up on shoulders… it’s a lot.

Then add the pressure of having a perfect family memory in a limited amount of scheduled time with paparazzi present. That’s a lot of pressure on a parent and truck-loads more than a child can be responsible for.

There’s no magic to make sure thing will go right every time I photograph a family (which is why I offer a free reshoot for anyone who feels like they didn’t get the images they’d hoped for) but there are a few tricks to give everyone the best chance at a beautiful portrait.


Let them be little. Make the portrait session time for play with a few look-at-the-camera moments.  Follow your children’s lead, throw them in the air, tell silly stories, sing your favorite songs.  Let the little things go and save discipline for moments when you need to redirect their behavior to keep them safe rather than just keeping them obedient. Sometimes I ask kids to be silly and I’d hate for them to do what I ask only to have a parent tell them to calm down.  I want you to remember a happy time in front of the camera, not a frustrating fight to keep kids in order.  The goal is not to have kids running wild, but if you give them little freedom to make some memories I bet you’ll love the result.


Smile.  Sometimes it will be at the camera but mostly I want you to look at your child and just smile – take in the little features that you want me to capture.  These are the moments you want to keep. I’ll ask you to talk to each other and what I mean is look into their eyes and tell them you love them and you’re proud of them.  Tell them what they mean to you.  Then turn to your partner and do the same.  Make this moment one you want to remember – it’s more than just a picture for you wall, it’s a memory you want to record.


Trust me.  I see kids of all ages and stages, I’m an expert in their developmental stages, I study their expressions and I hope to anticipate their needs.  You want the images to be perfect so it’s tempting to step in, but it takes a little time for me to build a rapport with your baby. Let me direct your kids.  It’s hard for little ones to stay focused and when they have well-meaning parents calling them to my left and right, it’s tough to get their attention and eye-contact.  I’ll defer to your expertise if I can’t get the smiles I’m hoping for but let me give it my best shot first.


Laugh. Laugh so hard at things that that are hardly funny that your kids can’t help but laugh with you.


Play along. Sometimes I ask kids to dance or scream or wiggle – it’ll be much more fun if you play along.  If you’re in the image holding them for one of these moments, it’s best to keep smiling and don’t give me that “What the heck did she just say?!” look 😉 If you’re lucky I won’t have to resort to using my terrible singing voice, but if I do just sing along.


Communicate.  I send a lot of information before your session and you’re busy so reading through the wall of text is not exactly a priority on the endless to-do list.  If you don’t read it, no worries. Listen, you booked the appointment and you get gold stars for getting that far! But the more you know about what to expect and the more I know about you, the more accurately I can record your story and capture the essence of your family.  Tell me what your kids call you (Mom, Mama, Mommy, Pop, Papa, DaDa, Daddy?)   If your child has a favorite song or story, if they recently had an illness or shots at their well-visit, if they missed their morning nap, if they have a developmental or behavior difference, if they have a preferred way to communicate, if they were born prematurely, if they have sensory processing issues – no detail is too small.  The more I know about your child, the better I can accommodate their specific needs.  I have experience with children of many different ages and abilities – and if you have a situation that is new to me, I look forward to learning about it so I can best serve your family.

in-home newborn photography | baltimore, md photographer

Those first weeks with a new baby are so trying – recovering from labor and birth, sleepless nights, postpartum emotions – all wrapped in with falling in love with a new little person who is growing and changing right before your eyes.

For that reason and more, we offer flexible scheduling and sessions in-studio or in your own home – travel is available if you live up the street or a plane-ride away! In the last year we’ve photographed families in Laurel, Annapolis, Bel Air, Jacksonville, FL, Philadelphia,PA, Boston, MA, Mystic, CT and more!

Many photographers only work with babies under 2 weeks old – and I do love that stage – but with experience I’ve learned that newborns do not expire on day 14.  Call us as soon as you deliver and we’ll keep the space open for a session when you’re ready – whether that’s Day 4 or Day 24.

Many new parents appreciate being able to come to the studio and have a variety of props and backdrops available for last minute styling as well as a place to just chill on the sofa without any of the chores staring at them.  Our Pasadena studio has space to relax, free WI-FI and a kids play gym, Noah’s House, just 2 doors down for older siblings.

In your home, we use your house as the backdrop for casual cozy images of real life with a new baby.  If you want a little of both, we plan colors ahead of time and I bring everything we need to have a studio set-up.

I love the combination of natural images of big brother in his own room with some posed, styled newborn portraits.  You really can have the best of both worlds – so-called “lifestyle” newborn images and posed “studio” portraits.


And a throwback to big brother’s newborn session a couple years ago <3

Christmas Tree Farm Sessions with Santa | Maryland Photographer

November 12, 2017
Portrait Sessions with Santa – Mt. Airy, MD
Limited space available.
Skip the mall lines and enjoy 15 minutes of storytime with Santa. Bring your favorite book and let your child warm up at their own pace to create unique and personal images with a little Christmas magic and childhood wonder at an incredible Christmas tree farm in Mt. Airy, MD.
We’re so excited to have one and only Santa Warren from Chesapeake Santa at the tree farm with us for the first time ever! 
Mini sessions result in about 30+ images in an online gallery. In the gallery, you will choose your 3 favorites and have the opportunity (but no obligation) to purchase prints ($12+), wall art ($199+)and extra digital images ($34/each or $349 for all 30+ images in the gallery).
Baltimore Photos with Santa
